application mailing labels

<p>I am applying to Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Brown, Stanford, Columbia, USC, UCLA, UC Berkeley, and UCI. I know Stanford and Princeton offer mailing labels for all the forms you must mail in on paper but I'm not sure if the other schools offer the same. (Ignore the UC schools)</p>

<p>So i guess basically which schools of the list above require them or have the labels available? Thanks</p>

<p>Harvard has mailing labels too, but I didn't find any for Yale. Check out Harvard's undergrad admin website for the labels.</p>

<p>Where did you find the labels for Princeton? I can’t seem to find them.</p>

<p>Please don’t sweat the whole mailing label thing. It’s a convenience that the colleges offer you so that there’s no likelihood of a transcription error on their mailing address. It’s only there so that it gets there in a speedy time. You could scrawl Harvard’s admissions office address with a crayon on your envelope and as long as it was complete and legible, it would be fine.</p>