Application Question

<p>My daughter just started filling out her application to the University of Wisconsin. I have a question about being able to change the major you have checked once you start the application process. The first part it has to click on what major you are applying for and then at the end of it you are supposed to click on "commit" and then it takes you to the actual application to start filling it out. Once you click on the "commit" button, are you able to go back and change the major or are you committed to that major even before you submit your actual application? Thank you in advance for your help.</p>

<p>Actually, I just called the admissions office and they said that you can change it, but it is a little difficult. I am going to have my daughter mull it over for a few days to make sure she is sure of her college major choice.</p>

<p>Are you asking about majors or applying to a certain school within the university? If it’s a question of majoring between say, History and Psychology, both in the College of Arts and Letters, I am surprised you were told it would be difficult to change majors. My daughter, a freshman at Madison, is and was undecided on her major. All along she was told “the best thing to be as a freshman is undecided.” I cannot imagine if your daughter put down a major like History in her application, she was stuck with that forever. Now if it’s between choosing between entering two different schools like Business or Engineering that would be different.</p>