Application Status?

<p>So far it seems like Madison releases decisions every friday, but I've heard that on the Student Center page your application status has to change from "Your application will be reviewed by one of our admission counselors" to "Your application is being reviewed by one of our admission counselors" before receiving a decision. Can anyone who has been admitted confirm this? </p>

<p>My Student Center page says my application still has to be reviewed by a counselor, and I just wanted to see if that means I'm at all close to getting a decision anytime soon? </p>

<p>mine says “will be reviewed” as well im from Michigan so idk i thought i would get it by now but…</p>

<p>I can confirm that the progression is from “will be” to “is being”.</p>

<p>Mine too says “…will be reviewed”. I applied on 11/2…I am from India though(if the status change has any connection with me being an International applicant)</p>

<p>I’m a Minnesotan applicant by the way, I’m assuming Wisconsin residents are first priority</p>

<p>OOS applicant here. Status has been “will be reviewed” since early September. Once your status changed to “is being reviewed”, how long did it stay there before you learned your decision?</p>

<p>@lee6666‌ I’ll let you know when I receive mine. It’s going on about 3 months of “being reviewed”. But I’m also applying as a transfer so I might have different “milestone” dates.</p>

<p>I applied 10/7 and I live in Michigan. My status is still “will be reviewed”, as well as everyone else at my school who applied.</p>

<p>I’m from Michigan and my status is also “will be reviewed”. </p>

<p>can anyone tell me if there is any consistency to the amount of time it takes to get a decision when applications are being reviewed? or is it subjective to the counselor reviewing it?</p>