Application Status

I recently sent in my application for UA but got no Email confirmation which I found weird. When I try to check my application status I get directed to this page-
The page that takes you to is different from the account you make to submit an app, it says this account is only for students and faculty so I am very lost. Please help me out here, thank you.

By ‘recent’, if you mean today (the first day the online application was available, to my knowledge), give it a few more hours to settle into the system?

Did you apply today?? Today was the first day the application for Fall 2016 was opened.

I did apply today, I just wanted to check the status to see if they received it. Im just very confused about the whole process to check it in the first place b/c as I said before, the page it directs me to isnt the login for my application, it’s a login which I dont have and The website says to create a login to check my status but it also say its only for student and faculty and inorder to create an account you need a CWIN (campus wide identification number) which i would think is only for students.

Well, they took my money, so it’s not lost in limbo. I got email confirmation of that. They say in the instructions that it can take up to 48 before a CWID is sent…

And a CWID is provided for applicants and students alike, not just enrolled students.

Thank you so much, I didnt know a CWID will be sent to me. So far all I got was the payment confirmation, so I guess things are on track.