Application Supplement: Photo?

<p>Not to sound arrogant, but I believe my physical stature and handsome face might help in my application, thoughts?</p>

<p>I was thinking about just slipping in a family photo and single photo with my additional application forms.</p>

<p>haha-- I know it sounds a little ridiculous.</p>

<p>I was thinking of a more traditional option of just going to NY to talk with an admissions officer;
I believe my oral speaking skills are a MAJOR strength, could possibly gain an edge?</p>

<p>It is arrogant. Don’t slip in a photo. it won’t help your application.</p>

<p>If you go on a candidate visit, you will have an opportunity to speak face to face with an admissions officer. Using this opportunity wisely can be beneficial to your application, IMO.</p>

<p>Your military bearing and speaking skills should be assessed during your interview. I believe that your handsome face will have little impact on any admissions officer… :)</p>

<p>I was under the impression that not every applicant receives an interview.</p>

<p>Is this notion false?</p>

<p>Andrewjx ~~~ Is this a joke?? I have to ask because this is the simply the most arrogant and preposterous notion I have heard in quite a long time. </p>

<p>If your application package has any merit at all you will be interviewed by your Congressman or their selected team! Have you had that interview as yet?</p>

<p>First of all, I did not mean to offend anyone by asking this question.</p>

<p>Second of all, I had been interviewed via phone from my congressman (and received a nomination). </p>

<p>However, I did not (and still do not) know if all applicants receive an interview (from a USMA representative) after a full application has been filed.</p>

<p>HAHA!!! I LOVE IT!! Reading your guys responses. Lol, my MOC wanted a picture with the application. I am positive that it will not benifit me or harm me. I dont understand why your. “physical stature and handsome face” would benifit you. Look man, I am not a cadet, but you need to lose your arrogance and your conceited attitudes in order to be succesfull at USMA.</p>

<p>… the personal attacks are not warranted. I was asking a simple question, regardless of my physical disposition.</p>

<p>Obviously, I should have approached this subject without my personal interest involved.</p>

<p>Question could have been answered with a simple no; flaming me wasn’t necessary.</p>

<p>I didn’t realize WP was a modeling school :)</p>

<p>“I didn’t realize WP was a modeling school”</p>


<p>On R day, once you have been given your lovely uniform, stripped of your glasses or contacts, issued BCG’s, and had your head shaved, you will be as equally attractive as the cadet to your right or left. Additionally, after the marchback and a week with no shower, your once lovely complexion will erupt into a face that only a mother could/would love. Thank you for your post; I needed a chuckle and I got it!</p>

(who on A day loved her bald, BCG-clad, zit-faced boy and looks forward to seeing him on Friday!)</p>

<p>As a Future Beast II PSG this summer I will assure you all that the new cadets in my platoon will be taking showers as regularly as possible. Stinky kids are not ok.</p>

<p>Andrew: You are correct not all applicants receive an interview, but all competitive candidates are required to have an interview (some exceptions can be made if no MALO is available to conduct the interview).
If a candidate is not competitive, military bearing and the ability to speak well will not make any difference.
The USMA admissions process is based largely on the candidate’s Whole Candidate Score (WCS) - 60% academics, 30% leadership potential, 10% physical ability (Candidate Fitness Assessment - CFA). Without a letter of assurance (LOA) you will compete against other candidates in your nomination pool, or on the national waiting list for a cadetship (assuming you are fully qualified and have a nomination).</p>

<p>Airborne: It was my understanding that during Buckner only the ladies were permitted the luxury of daily showers…is this incorrect?</p>

<p>Each Platoon has a its own barracks equipped with men’s and women’s showers. When I was a Buckner as a New Cadet, and of course as a yearling, they were used every day if not twice by every cadet.</p>

<p>mom3boys - during BEAST 2008 - the ladies were not permitted the luxury of daily showers at all. They were out in the field for a week - sans showers. They did not sleep in the bays at Buckner. They slept on the ground. Yes they stunk.
But it all washed off.</p>

<p>Ok well at any rate the use of baby wipes and deodorant will be enforced.</p>

Yes! excellent idea! </p>

<p>One suggestion - make and enforce a rule that they unroll their bedroll and sleep on it every night. Curling up on a pile of leaves is cozy at 2300 hrs but by 0500 it gets kind of damp! LOL.</p>

<p>USE BABY WIPES! I gave my roommate my whole supply when i was MLOA’ed and she said that they saved her life.</p>

<p>Certainly gets my vote for the most unique question I have seen posted in quite some time…send in a picture…hmmmm modeling school???</p>

<p>Recently he also posted:


<p>as well as:</p>



<p>So not exactly sure where WP fits in all of that.</p>