<p>My S is planning to apply colleges use Common App online form. However, he also has a detailed list of his EC activities. Can he send the Common App online and mail the EC list through regular mail?</p>
<p>See.. thats what i don't get about the online app.. if we have to send our freaking transcript... why not just mail the Whole app all together with the transcript plus resume. I get confused.</p>
<p>If I recall, the only things that go through snail mail are the transcripts and teacher and GC recommendations. Everything else is submitted online.</p>
<p>There was another thread with a similar question along the lines of ... there isn't enough space in the online application for all of my EC's.</p>
<p>Everything in the application process has a limit on it to force you to edit your work and be succinct. Submitting a separate laundry list of EC's may work against you.</p>
<p>Here's the other thread: <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=379184%5B/url%5D">http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=379184</a></p>
<p>If the resume tells a different story than the list of EC's on the application, just paste it into the Additional Info section. If it's just a repeat of stuff that's elsewhere, or just a laundry list of activities, forget it. You're much better off not mailing a separate resume.</p>
why not just mail the Whole app all together with the transcript plus resume.
The more mail we have, the more time it takes to process applications and the slower the reading process is. The more paper you send, the higher the chance that human error will affect your application, be that in the post office or in the admission office. You can still mail credentials, but if there's an online method to send something, it's generally better to use it.</p>
<p>Most schools have computer systems that are able to put the information entered on the Common App form directly into their database. This is a quick process and allows for the process to go more smoothly than in the past, when thousands of items arrived in the mail every day.</p>
<p>Chedva, Then that's leaving you no option but using regular mail.</p>