Application Woes

<p>I've run into some problems with the application...</p>

<p>I'm a US citizen, but I wasn't born in the US.... so I told the truth obviously and said I wasn't born in the US.</p>

<p>Then I went to view the downloadable/printable copy of my application and it says twice that I am a citizen and once that I am not.. which confuses me.
It's also missing my area code for my phone number which I am certain and have double checked that I entered, and I cant find where to enter my SSN.... </p>

<p>I'm going to call the admissions office, but it might take me a while to get through cause of the time differences, so I was wondering if anyone here has had the same or similar experiences?</p>

<p>I had the same problem b/c I’m a naturalized citizen, but when I emailed them
they didn’t really answer my question :frowning: if you get updates after calling the admissions offfice, please let me know!</p>

<p>I just called them, they said just enter that you WERE born in the United States, because your citizenship is more important then when you were born, also you can always explain it in the extra information section…</p>

<p>^ oh, thanks! i’m so glad you made this thread. haha
i would have never known.</p>