applied late for housing contract

<p>applying for housing was due by april 1. i forgot about that specific due date and now i had to extend my date to may 5th. to anyone that may have an idea on this, will this affect my room assignments to the point where I won't be able to get one of my top two choices for residence halls? I was thinking of Sellery or Witte or maybe something else, but those two dorms have over 1000 people living in them.</p>



<p>anyone got some info?</p>


<p>PATIENCE- you need to give people a chance to read your post.</p>

<p>As long as your signed contract is accepted by Res Halls and you are given the option to rank your choices it does not matter when you did so before May. Res Halls will randomly choose the order in which they give out dorm choices. You have no guarantee of getting any of your top choices. Rank according to your preferences and see what happens- just like someone who did that last fall.</p>

<p>I think they will try to fill with those that applied on time and if they have any vacancies they will open it to late apps. Might want to checkout the private dorms etc too just in case. With the new dorms they might have some rooms late.</p>

<p>Just be careful about signing any contracts- you can’t get out of one if something better comes along.</p>