Too late for housing contract?

<p>I received my housing contract in February when I was accepted... however I didn't think I would end up considering the school. I'm deciding between Wisconsin and UIUC right now but am kinda leaning towards Wisconsin because of their Applied Math, Engineering, and Physics major that seems right for me. Basically I didn't send in the contract... and don't really know what to do now. I know it says LATE CONTRACTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Does this mean I can't go to Wisconsin now?
Please help? Thanks.</p>

<p>nope! just send it in by May 1.</p>

<p>It's too late for the housing contract. That was due a while ago... I think that's why they made a point of saying the $50 housing deposit was refundable in case you did end up going to another school and so on. The May 1st deadline is for accepting admission. </p>

<p>Don't worry though. I'm actually in the exact same boat as you. I too thought I was going to another school... then, the day AFTER the Madison housing contract was due, I found out the other school wasn't offering the classes I needed. I missed it by A SINGLE DAY! I cried so much that night my boyfriend thought I was nuts. :-S</p>

<p>But I'm just going to get an off-campus apartment instead.... argh, I'm trying to find the link... UW actually has a website for off-campus apartment listings and roommates wanted listings. </p>

<p>Ah! Here it is: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I know it's not the most favorable situation. But whatever happens won't kill you. It can only be a learning experience. :)</p>

<p>It's really too late for the contract? Have you asked them by email/phone?</p>

<p>I once asked them whether I could submit the deposit 2 days after the deadline because I wanted to do it in person when I visited the campus. They said it was ok. Then probably, I'd assume that it will be okay to submit the deposit several days later. Think about this: the postmark date is 4/7/06 (for mine), by the time the mail reaches them from Hong Kong, it could've been a week or less later. Therefore, it doesn't matter that much.</p>

<p>Nothing to cry for... silly girl.</p>

<p>No, I didn't contact them by phone. I probably should've, but the wording was such.... you know how they make it sound.... so darn inflexible. That, and I really didn't have any extenuating circumstances for me to really expect any allowances. Oh well. Could've. Should've. Didn't. </p>

<p>But hey, maybe it was a good misjudgment. I'll be making Madison my permanent home (hopefully), so getting an apartment might be less of a hassle (no summer housing contracts to worry about.... since I seem to be very bad at them lol). I might be able to find one cheaper too. It all works out. :0)</p>

<p>If someone calls the housing department, though, I'd be very interested in what they say. Keep us updated!</p>

<p>BTW, if I were a goose, I'd be silly.</p>

<p>If you email them, it takes them 1-2 days to respond.</p>