Applying as freshman to UC's

<p>First a little background:
Last year I applied to a couple UC’s and got into UCSD but ended up getting rescinded in July because I got a D in AP Calculus. Because this was so late in the year I had no options left with the other schools I had gotten into. This was really frustrating and depressing because I had to wait until this Fall application period to try and reapply but now I’m having some problems.</p>

<p>To make up for that D I got in AP Calc I’m taking Business Calculus (I know this is unrelated but I took it for review) right now and will start Math 265 - Calc 1 in Spring. So now I’m applying for the UC Fall 2010 term but during the application process when I select LAVC (the community college I’m taking the classes at) as my current school I get the follow error, “As a freshman applicant, your current or most recent school must be a high school.” Does this mean that I can’t apply as a freshman to UC’s since I graduated HS already?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for any help and let me know if you need more info.</p>

<p>It means that if you want them to recognize whatever courses you took at LAVC, you can’t apply as a freshman, because LAVC isn’t a highschool.
You might be able to apply for transfer admission, and that’s what I advice you do if you have taken enough courses at LAVC.</p>

<p>If you still want to apply as a freshman then you MIGHT be able to list your high school as your most recent school. Then they ask if you have taken additional classes at a community college, and you can enter LAVC there.</p>

<p>So I should just leave out LAVC for the school section and just add it later or something? I don’t have enough credits to apply for transfer AFAIK and I don’t plan on doing the 2 yrs at a CC, just want to go straight to a 4 yr school if possible.</p>

<p>S’s high school just had a UC app workshop. His counselor said students must list every school attended.</p>

<p>You should call one of the UCs and talk to an admission officer about your situation.</p>