Applying as Undecided (Transfer)

I am a Natural Science (BS) major at a four year private school in NYC, but I’ve realized that I just don’t have an interest in the sciences. Would putting undecided on my transfer apps hurt my chances? I am a first year and will be applying for the Fall 2023 cycle.

Extra Curriculars

  • Science Club: a member of the newsletter committee in which I research current discoveries and science-related news to be written about and accessed by other students

  • Member of the United Students Government (continuation from HS): helped with organizing community service events (i.e. Thanksgiving food drive, clothing donations)

  • Volunteer at 7Cups: provide emotional support via an online chat

  • Volunteer at Learning Ally: data entry (making a list of audiobooks for educators)

  • Clinical Shadowing with med students and varying doctors

  • Dog walker and sitter (job and continuation from HS)

  • Depop seller (continuation from HS)

  • (HS - Senior) Publicity Director of National Science Honor Society: managed social media account for my high school’s NSHS chapter and made presentations with my co-officers on science-related topics


  • My English Professor

It depends. If you’re applying to pretty selective colleges with low transfer rates, yes, undecided is probably going to hurt you. They need to know why you want to be there and it almost goes without saying that if you’re undecided, you aren’t sure why you need to be somewhere besides your current school.

If you aren’t aiming super high, it should be relatively easy to transfer, but it will mostly depend on your GPA.

Why do you want to leave your current school? Surely it offers other majors besides sciences?

Edit: I see you already have started a thread on this which has relevant information. Transfer Chance Me Fall 2023 or Spring 2024 - #4 by zeldogan

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You could put down a likely major - and, at Barnard, still be able to change your Major until March 1 of Sophomore year with the insights you gained during freshman year and the 1st semester of sophomore year.
