Applying for refund from bama cash

<p>I remember seatide talking about this once, but wonder if I can bump this up. As our kids probably have dining dollars, bama cash left over in May, some do ask for a refund to use for summer expenses. In previous years, we’ve just let it roll over until next year, but since we’re in our third year, thought I’d get this question answered about how to get that money refunded to you. Also, does it get refunded to you in the form of a check, direct deposit into an account, or deposited in your student account? Thanks for any info!</p>

<p>i will just have the balance go to our ua account, then when all bills are paid we will get a refund of the excess.</p>

<p>Call Student Accounts and ask for the balance to be refunded to you in the manner you wish to be refunded. We’ve had son’s refund for different semesters in many forms: a check mailed to our house, rolled over until next pay period, and direct deposit to son’s account.</p>

<p>The form for refunds to ones student account can be found at <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;

<p>you can do this by emailing</p>

<p>Kristina Hopton-Jones <a href=“”></a></p>

<p>need kid’s name and cwid.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info. Something else checked off the list. Oh wait a minute, something else to add to my son’s list:).</p>

<p>I forget if graduating seniors have to do anything. I think UA just send a check.</p>

<p>Since D used about $30 of her $600 in Dining Dollars, this is something I’ll have to get added to her growing list of things to do in the next week. $600 in Dining Dollars, on top of the all-access meal plan, is overkill. I’m just glad they’ll refund the unused portion.</p>

<p>Do you have to request this each year or does it roll over?</p>

<p>It rolls over, but to student’s bama cash account (not stay in Dining $). Per the link above: “Fall balances in Dining Dollars carryover to the Spring. Any unspent funds remaining in Dining Dollars after Spring will be transferred to the cardholders Bama Cash account. Any unspent funds remaining in Dining Dollars after Summer will be transferred to the cardholders Bama Cash account.”
I’d rather that my S NOT have ~$600 sitting in bama cash, waiting to be spent next year! I’m getting a transfer of this excess to my S’s Student Account instead, where I have a little bit more control of it.</p>

<p>each year</p>

<p>So, am I correct in assuming that TWO requests are now needed to actually get the $ in hand: 1 to transfer unused Dining Dollars to the student’s financial account, and a 2nd request to get the credit which will eventually show on student’s account to be refunded?</p>

<p>Correct; there is an additional step to actually get the money refunded. In the past, I’ve left the money on my student account and used it to pay for the next year’s charges.</p>

<p>m2ck, graduating seniors will automatically receive a refund for unused Bama Cash and Dining Dollars, but filling out the form will get the refund processed quicker.</p>

<p>Bumping up this thread, since we’ve got a new group, and a lot of graduating seniors in this group.</p>

<p>Actually have some questions on this. Since son is graduating, I’m hoping unspent money will be credited to his account. Since he is still in the dorms, he may have damage charges show up, which may hold up receiving his diploma. Would credit from unused bama cash and dining dollars be applied to any outstanding charges, like dorm damage, classroom charges, and then he would automatically get a direct deposit, like he does scholarship overage?</p>

<p>You could certainly wait for a refund in case any dorm damage charges may show up. Otherwise, apply for a refund on or after April 15th and look on his account few days after move out for any extra charges and dispute or pay them immediately. UA would send both an email and a paper statement detailing any charges to the graduate’s student account since the graduate would no longer be a currently enrolled student. </p>

<p>So, do seniors automatically get a refund and there’s no need to fill out the form? Is the refund in the form of a paper check mailed home, or is it direct deposited, if that’s the way scholarship credits are given? Also trying to figure out when and if to close Alabama Credit Union account.</p>

<p>Graduating seniors automatically get a refund, though said refunds are processed later than those for people who filled out the form. Refunds of student accounts are applied to the last method of payment to the student account.</p>

<p>It’s possible to keep the Alabama Credit Union account and use shared branching to manage balances. Sometimes ACU has really good rates. If anything, the savings account can hold money for the proverbial rainy day. It’s also recommended to have a separate account for ones pre-marriage financial assets.</p>

<p>To cancel ones ACU account, one fills out the form for such, has it notarized (free at many banks and credit unions), and mails the form to ACU. If it’s a joint account, it can be a good idea to make the student the sole owner and the parent as the beneficiary, which can be done in person or via a notarized form. </p>

<p>Bumping this up, as we did not fill in the refund form, and son graduated in May. Still no refund received. I neglected to note if he even had a balance, with the rush of getting ready for graduation. Is there any way I can find out if he did have a balance, and if we could still get a refund?</p>

<p>Once you graduate, does the mybama account access cease immediately? </p>