<p>"BU has everything to do with this. The students represent the school." What?!? Since when is it BU solely responsible to teach students what they might not be interest in learning, such as American history? Since when does a group of students in the dozens represent the voice of a school of ten thousands? Should BU pre-screen all prospective students to make sure that they subscribe to a certain principle? The purpose of college is to be exposed to teachings that go against your own believe. You're telling me that BU should force those students to believe what you believe? As I recall, no one is going to college to be forced to believe in a certain ideology. Most people know why AA and race-based scholarships exist, that doesn't mean they have to agree with it. Jones, what you are advocating for is to mindlessly brain-washed them to your ideology without having any dissension. When someone dissents, you call them a bigot because he/she believes that current system is not doing its job is failing its original purpose.</p>
<p>BUCR is doing (in a crude way) what it believes will raise awareness to this imperfect system. Poverty does not know race. A poor white or black child should not suffer the legacy of hate in this country, and that legacy is being carried out in this flaw system (no matter how well intentioned it is). The only two factors that should be considered when determine scholarship are NEED and MERIT, not RACE. If you serve the students who have great needs, it will solve the problem of poverty in all RACIAL groups and not just some selective one.</p>
<p>All these are coming from a Democrat, a POOR minority, and a non-BU student.</p>