Applying From Out of State?

I have been looking at Alabama for a long time, and it’s my dream school. Through my research I have yet to find what the acceptance rate is for out of state? I know for some schools it’s much easier, or much harder to get in depending on where you live. Does anyone know if I would be okay for getting in? I will be a junior at a small public high school in the fall, I live in Vermont. I have an unweighted GPA of 3.4, but I have taken many honors courses throughout high school. I haven’t taken my SAT or ACT test yet. I play soccer, lacrosse, and track, but I won’t be an athlete in college. I volunteer at an animal shelter. I am ranked 13/65 students. For any of you that are familiar or could give me any insight, what are my chances as a VT resident? Lastly, I am interested in majoring in business, so is it more difficult for me to get in with that major?

Thank you so much! Please comment if you have any suggestions for improving or any insight on my chances.

Your stats will get you admitted to UA. Being a business major will not make it any more difficult for you. You apply and are accepted to UA. Then you declare a major. UA is a straight forward school.
Work on those ACT/SAT scores and get one of the great OOS tuition scholarships.
Good luck and ROLL TIDE!!

See the “Holistic Review” thread!

Apparently grades and test are all that matter. None of your extra curricular stuff is even on the app. Pretty much name and address, then send transcripts and test scores. That is it. Good luck

Since you are a rising HS Junior, try to get your GPA above 3.5; that is the current benchmark for the automatic merit scholarships, and UA considers grades 9-11 only. You mentioned “unweighted GPA”, but if your school will report on the official transcript a “weighted GPA” then maybe you are already at a 3.5. Go talk to your guidance counselor and find out what your status is and how they will report your GPA on your transcript. UA Admissions will accept whichever is higher, as long as it is listed on your transcript.

Get the best grades you can and practice for the SAT and ACT…take both.

Ask your parents how much they’ll pay each year for college.