Alabama Chances of Admission

My gpa is very low (2.62), however i had a junior year gpa of a 3.1. My sat was an 1150 and my act was a 23. I applied on July 3rd and all materials were received July 20. I am OOS (CT) and do not need any financial aid. Are my chances significantly lower based on my gpa alone?

Also to add I am very in touch with my regional recruiter, she told me that my test scores will improve my chances. Alabama is my top choice! I have already been accepted to Ole Miss.

Are your unweighted and weighted GPA the same, or is that your weighted GPA? Bama uses weighted. Your positive trend junior year should help you. If you get midterm grades before you hear back, definitely send them in if they’re good (and of course try really hard to keep your grades up). I know a couple people who got in from OOS with comparable GPAs (with positive trend) and lower ACT scores, but it was a couple years ago. I’m not sure if anything has changed. The fact that you applied early helps.

My school doesn’t tell us our weighted GPA so i’m not exactly sure what it would be (I took all honors classes my freshman and sophomore year). also that is only my junior and sophomore year gpa due to the fact that i attended a private school my freshman year. Will Alabama self calculate my gpa? If so it will probably be higher.

I’m pretty sure they go off of what is on your transcript - given your low gpa I would ask your GC if they can send a transcript that reflects your WGPA as it may make the difference between getting in and not.

If your freshman year grades are shown on your transcript but are just not calculated into the GPA, I would think UA will consider them, even if they don’t calculate a new GPA. You might want to point out to admissions that the calculated GPA does NOT include your freshman year grades. Also agree with @my2caligirls that it would be helpful if your guidance counselor would be willing to calculate your weighted GPA and handwrite it on your transcript and send it in.

Since you are applying early, Bama is usually lenient. They won’t outright reject you. If necessary, they would ask you to send in your first semester’s grades or ask you to retest.

Update: I got in! Thank you for all of your help!