Applying to Business Colleges & GMATs?

I really do not know where this should go so please feel free to move it.

I am the first person in my family to ever attend college for anything business-related. I am a bit ignorant of the topic and just had a few questions. SORRY in advance if they are really dumb.

  1. As an undergraduate, do I apply to the actual business school or do I only apply when pursuing a masters? (Ex. Wharton)
  2. When do I take the GMATs?
  3. Do some colleges offer accelerated masters programs? (I don't need specific schools, just a yes or no :))

Thank you very much!

I still could use an answer to this… thanks!!

Hey there!

Some colleges do not have business schools (ex. Princeton) so you just apply as an Economics major and that sets you up for a business track. You can also apply to Wharton undergraduate business school–it’s a little different than the MBA track though. Yes some schools offer accelerated programs but they are alot of work and usually not something you can just “pick” to do, a supervisor has to agree to it.

  1. For Wharton undergrad you need the SAT (and I believe two SAT II are recommended), for Wharton grad you need the GMAT. You should google the admission requirements.
  2. You take the GMATs before you plan to apply to grad program in business. That can be when you are in college or when your are working after college.
  3. Some schools do offer an accelerated Masters.