Applying to LSA then transferring?

If I applied to LSA and was accepted, how would I go about transferring to CoE? Would I have to stay a year in LSA then transfer or would I be able to immediately transfer after being accepted? Or would it overall be better for me to just apply to the CoE?

Also when writing the third essay would I talk about transferring to CoE or would only discuss why I would like to be admitted to LSA?

Answers to any of these questions would be great!

Thanks for the time

Do not talk about transfer in your essay unless it is for Ross. Why would they admit someone that does not intend to stay? For cross campus transfer, you just need to take the CoE equivalent courses in LSA and receive good GPA. The counselor at orientation will guide you on that. If you are qualified, you should apply to CoE directly. Check if you are within their mid 50 range.

These days sneaking into COE is better done through Nursing or Kinesiology.

LSA has gotten more competitive over the years

Check if there are core requiremenf in Nursing or Kinesiology in freshmen year. Or you may need to have a loaded schedule to include those courses needed for the transfer.

Pretty much every school has take classes through LSA. Some majors in Kinesiology have to take Calc, Physics, and Chem. Then both schools have to take social sciences which can be counted for Intellectual Breadth. Both of them also need a FYWR, which can be used in place of Engr 100



You would just take a year of LSA courses and then transfer into CoE. It’s pretty easy to do, and your chances are a lot better than applying straight to CoE.

and definitely do not talk about transferring in your essay.