Applying to Oxford? TSA and UCAS questions

<p>I'm considering applying to Oxford (I know, it's late, but I was mainly looking at US universities before and kind of decided today on a whim to apply to Oxford, which has always been my dream school. But I'm digressing.) Anyways, I was looking at where to take the TSA exam, and the only open exam place is in Illinois. I find it hard to believe that the only place in the entire United States is in Illinois. I'm going to check with my guidance counselor next week, because I'm sure that some students from my school have applied to Oxford before, but in case that my school isn't a registered TSA offerer, does this mean that I can't apply? And on the UCAS, should I be applying through my school or as an individual? Right now, I put individual because I didn't know a buzzword. Anyways, this ends my long, run-on questioning quasi-rant on what I don't know about the English college application process.</p>