Oxford TSA

<p>Disaster this morning as I discover that my High School has not registered me to take the TSA test in November, all my work researching & applying, spending hours on the personal statement all for nothing and my chance to attend Oxford ruined because my school did not regsiter me, this after I gave counseling all the information to register as a test centre and all.</p>

<p>Doesn’t help at all, but I am sorry that they let you down.</p>

<p>You can always apply again next year. This gives you time to improve your application, read extensively around your subject and hopefully earn some money to go towards living expenses. Next time, book your own TSA so you know it’s done.</p>

<p>Good point poppy, however, good news my GC and the TSA folks worked it out, I am hoping this is an inflection point and a good omen, they have allowed me to register for the TSA,…Yeah. All set and now prepping hard again, I hope to do just fine on the TSA, bought a TSA test prep book and all. Just got SAT results from Oct 5th and Math went up 70 points to a Superscore 2200, now hopefully I can focus on the TSA and make a good account of myself and hope I can secure an interview in December, that would be the best Christmas present to myself!</p>

<p>Good luck with your application! I’m very happy (if slightly surprised) that they managed to work it out in your favour :)</p>

<p>Like boomting, I am surprised but happy for you. Let us know how it turns out for you.</p>

<p>Thanks, Prepping for the TSA this weekend for Wednesday’s test, really surprised they allowed me to sit, but it was the High School that had not registered anyone before and TSA gave them a pass and fedex’d the materials, so all set to test, did a test today and scored 40/50 on part I, going to do another tomorrow and a Part II writing tomorrow. Here’s hoping, final SAT 800, 750 & 640 so 2190, not bad, I have 4 SAT subject tests over 700, so at this point all I am hoping for is the TSA is good and I can get an interview.</p>