Applying to two majors?

<p>I'm struggling to decide between Business Honors and Engineering. I was wondering if anyone with experience could give me some information about the application process. When applying as a high school senior, am I applying to May's Business/Look Engineering, the specific major, or just the University as a whole? Can I apply to both the business and engineering schools and make my final choice later? Any help is appreciated.</p>

<p>It is my limited understanding that you apply specifically to your major when you apply for A&M. Thus, even automatic admits who apply late to popular majors (such as engineering) can end up major-less. But, you have the option to change your major after you have applied in Howdy up to a certain date; I changed within engineering in early spring but I can’t attest to how this works between different colleges. At least this may buy you some time to decide. I know that the college you are going into does matter because you identify with your specific college at the NSCs and go to that college’s information and registration sessions. </p>

<p>I can relate because I was in a situation sort of similar to yours: I was torn between engineering and biology. I opted to start in engineering despite not knowing much about the field because I heard that it is typically easier to get out of engineering than to get in. I signed up for Biomedical Engineering and took the engineering prerequisites courses (ENGR 111, MATH 151, and PHYS 218) but purposely slipped in BIOL 111 for an elective to stay relatively on track in case I wanted to switch out. Transferring majors is never fun but at least it’s possible if you carefully craft your schedule. </p>

<p>What’s funny is that after spending an entire summer thinking, breathing, and eating all things college and future, I think I do like engineering after all and am currently anticipating on becoming a civil or mechanical engineer. I wish I had this direction earlier (the earlier the better) but it’s better late than never. After dropping the yes-actually-you-do-have-to-decide-now bombshell I just want to encourage you have heart even if you don’t know right now and do as much soul searching as you can as to what each field entails and what your passions and abilities are in the meantime. I really wish I could impart more experiential based wisdom but I’m an incoming freshman this fall so we’ll see how my plan works out. Best of luck!</p>

<p>My youngest had the same dilemma as you. He had all the skills needed to succeed in each major and was torn as to which to pick. You do have to apply to one over the other. The bigger issue is that both majors are very popular, and fill quickly. We decided by looking at Engineering majors & courses/jobs vs. Business majors & courses/jobs. His interests were more centered in Business, so that’s where he chose. </p>

<p>Should you choose Business,you are accepted to the Business major and then to Business Honors. It is very competitive <a href=“”>BBA Business Honors | Mays Business School’s vision is to advance the world’s prosperity.; . It is a holistic review that determines acceptance and the rate of accepted qualified applicants is between 16-19%. Many students qualify for consideration for Business Honors, but actually getting an offer to join is difficult & explanations as to why you are/are not chosen are not revealed. It is a wonderful program and has 100% job placement making it very attractive. </p>

<p>Should you choose Engineering, you are accepted to General Engineering and then will apply to your specific engineering major after taking some courses. </p>

<p>You will not be accepted to both colleges, so you must select one or the other for your priority. Switching between these two majors prior to school starting are difficult, since both fill quickly. You may switch provided they are still available after applying and being accepted to the university. Given your interest in Business Honors, I’m assuming you qualify for either top 10% rule or academic admit. The decisions for business honors come out later than the acceptance to Mays, so you will not know if you are being offered honors when you initially get your acceptance (in the past decisions came out Jan-March) which will traditionally be too late to switch to engineering. If you change your mind after school begins, you would have to look into internal transfers which will involve taking different courses for each of the majors & competing for admission to that major/college. Both are great choices at A&M, good luck!</p>