Applying to VT for Summer II

<p>So I'm a student at George Mason Uni presently and I've sent in my application to transfer to VT's Engineering College. I'm 99 percent sure that I had applied for Fall but when I look at my application-tracker-thing, it says that I've applied for Summer II. I'm not sure why that is but I was curious if that might mean that I could get a reply from Tech sooner than I would if applying for Fall. I know that Tech lists it's notification date for summer transfers (<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;) as May 1 just as it does for Fall transfers but I was wondering if there's a chance Tech would give me a sooner decision. On the off chance that anyone else here has been in my situation, I'd like to know your experience.</p>

<p>Call admissions and ask. I know someone who was transferring to Engineering too and admissions changed their start term to the summer since they had to take courses during summer II in order to successfully transfer. Not sure if this is still being done, but when I transferred there were a few waves of admissions decisions in late January/early February, late March, mid April, and right around May 1st. So even if you aren’t applying in engineering, it’s possible to find out way before May.</p>

VT has a program for incoming students called Summer Academy, and if I had to guess, if you are accepted they may require you or at the least highly encourage you to attend to get some more credits out of the way. I know that there were quite a few transfers this year that were required to go conditional on their acceptance. It is an absolutely fabulous program and allows for a much easier transition. You can learn more about it here:

I was a transfer to COE last year. Your application automatically defaults to Summer because the engineering admission office assumes you may want to take advantage of summer classes to get caught up with the current freshman class. In most cases this is for the required intro engineering sequence. The summer classes also give you an opportunity to earn 12 credits of elective or other classes so that you can apply immediately for your choice of engineering major. Once admitted, you can request for a change of admissions to Fall. The general engineering office will be able to do an evaluation of your transfer credits prior to the start of summer classes to advise you.