Applying to Yale?

Hi im Josh

I have a superscore SAT of 2100 (CR:650, Math:660 Writing:790) and a weighted GPA of 3.89 (my school is very difficult). I am honestly not very happy with these stats, and was hoping for a higher SAT and GPA. I am part of a lot of clubs and am also the Captain of the Math Team. I volunteered as an assistant teacher for 160 hours and as a Pathology Lab assistant at a hospital for 50 hours. I also started a charity drive at my school that going to take place February 2016 for collecting stuffed animals for children in the hospital. I am president of the chess club and president of Rho Kappa Social Studies Honors Society. I am also the Chief Editor and Revisor for the school newspaper. I am also the secretary of the Anime and Manga club (ik im a nerd). Finally, I am a member of the Volunteer Club at my school. What are my chances?

This is the wrong place to ask that question, you are looking for the “What Are My Chances?” subforum.


Your chances are very low with that SAT Score and that GPA. Try the ACT and if you are still enrolled at a High School, try your hardest to increase that average. Your EC’s are subpar for an Ivy League. You also didn’t offer enough of your information for someone to really chance you, information such as (Are you a URM? What do you plan on majoring in? What is your class rank? What AP’s did you take? Awards? What grade?). I recommend trying again on the forum mentioned above. Also, list out your achievements more neatly (list form works best) rather than clumped in one paragraph. Look at my most recent thread if you want an example.

I don’t think Yale superscores. So, to better evaluate your chances we would have to know your individual SAT scores. Otherwise, I agree with @Hamlin.