April ACT writing score 32 with 11 in all domains ?

I am wondering if the April ACT writing score 32 is correctly calculated with 11 in all four domains?

Many thanks.

With an 11 in all 4 domains, you got a raw score of 44 out of 48. The points are scaled on the 1-36 curve like all 4 MC sections, so that could very easily be correct. -1 on writing (47/48) is 35, - 2 = 34, - 3 = 33, -4 = 32. From what I’ve seen with other writing scores, that’s actually pretty generous writing curve.

Does anyone know if they release the writing curve with the other 4 sections’ curve in the TIR? I don’t remember seeing it in the December release, but the TIR I saw was from someone who didn’t take writing.

^^Thanks. What you said does make a lot of sense. :slight_smile:

@jwn9917 They do release writing curve in the TIR.