APs and SAT II

<p>Im thinking of taking SAT IIs in US and Chem because im also taking those AP courses but when should i take the SAT IIs. Should i take it in may, the only problem being i am also gonna be taking the SAT and i probably wouldnt be studying for the AP exams yet or should i take them in June with the risk being i wouldnt want to study those subjects after the AP exam.</p>

<p>also how similar are these two ap classes compared to their subject tests</p>

<p>I took both AP chem and US last year, though I only took the SAT II in chem. I decided to take the SAT II in June, I didn’t do any extra studying and got a 740 (4 on AP).</p>


<p>I like taking in June because you would’ve already studied for the AP exam…so even if you don’t do much studying afterwards, if any at all, you’ll stilll do fine on the SAT II because unless you have a really really really bad memory, you’ll still remember like everything you need to get a good score.</p>

<p>Reviewing a little bit before the SAT II helps you remember those little details that you may have forgotten though.</p>

<p>if SAT II Chem and AP Chem were like schooling, SAT II Chem would be 4th grade, AP Chem would be senior year in college.</p>

<p>seriously though, the SAT II chem is really just an extremely basic level of the AP </p>



<p>What books did you use to preppared for Chem SATII & AP?</p>


<p>for the AP i used Princeton Review. i really only used it for the reactions in the back of the book. it’s pretty good i think. </p>

<p>i didn’t study specifically for the SAT II chem, i didn’t really need to. if you have a good enough chem background a 700+ should be easy. a girl that got a 3 (which happened to be the 2nd highest grade in my class, eek) in my ap chem class got a 700. </p>

<p>i did take the practice tests on sparknotes, although the scores were a tad misleading (i got 680, 670, 720 on the sparknotes tests, or something like that). but it’s good to familiarize yourself with the question types - like the T/F/CE questions.</p>

<p>I’m using PR and I really really like it.</p>

<p>ALso got Barrons for the SAT II…since it has like everything you’ll ever need to know. PR is much more concise, gets straight to the point, which I really like.</p>

<p>Is SAT II Chem that much easier than AP?? the T/F/CE questions seem REALLY tricky…
Did you have trouble finishing the test? And how similar were the sparknotes questions compared to the real test?</p>

<p>i had absolutely no problems finishing the test. i remember i was able to check over my test a couple times. </p>

<p>yeah the SAT II chem is really that easy in comparison. </p>

<p>i don’t remember if the sparknotes questions mimicked the real questions, i just know that my SN scores weren’t indicative of not knowing the subject well since i considered myself pretty good at chemistry. i’m thinking the low SN scores were more because the test was online.</p>

<p>the T/F/CE questions are the reason i didn’t get an 800 haha, i definitely misread one of them to say “linear covalent bonds” so i put T, it actually said CO2 has linear ionic bonds… epic fail. </p>

<p>good luck!</p>