apush and ap lang

<p>so, i'm currently 'self-studying' apush and have ASMCO. when do you guys think would be the right time to start reading it through? I don't want to start too early and forget information, so when is the right time usually? Also, for ap lang, I think by the time May comes around I will have a solid foundation for my essays, although my multiple choice at the moment seems decent at best. Any suggestions on how I can improve this to ~ -15 or better come May? I have cliffs for ap lang, btw. Thank you.</p>

<p>Depends on how much time you want to spend reading per day. IMO, Probably no later than the beginning of April.</p>

<p>(for ush, i mean)</p>

<p>For APUSH, I would start going through everything now, and then reviewing (reading everything) again when the test date looms closer. There’s a lot of information to memorize, so it’s better to start processing the info earlier and then reviewing later on. </p>

<p>You can start later if you only plan on going through the material once. I personally prefer thoroughly going through the material at least twice… so I usually start early.</p>

<p>Well, I’ve just finished the Progressive Era in my American Pageant textbook. I am wondering whether to try to finish the textbook first? How is everyone else studying.</p>