<p>The SAT’s questions are harder overall, but the SAT II is more specific.</p>
<p>The format differs in that you get like 5 more minutes on the SAT, but you also get 10 more questions.</p>
<p>The SAT also tends to pick 2 eras and focus on them, instead of being more spread around history.</p>
<p>The APUS exam OUGHT to cover all times, but it doesn’t do it very well. This year we barely had anything from the Cold War, for example, but what, one question?</p>
<p>Other years you might get 10, so all in all, I would say you should study them all.</p>
<p>The more general one is by far the APUSH exam.</p>
<p>Questions are formatted the same way with the same quotation and picture formats.</p>
<p>I took the US History SAT II on Sat and the AP US History test today and I would say the SAT II was much easier. I would disagree with RedCatharsis, the main questions I missed were really broad ones, like “Which war was the first one to have desegregated units?” Granted I had really only studied up to the beginning of WWII, I was confused but now it’s so easy. Yet on the AP US History one I was confused on a good 5, maybe 10.
I think the SAT II has more pictures if you get bored</p>
<p>Yeah but if you have a general knowledge of the time period you should be able to answer the question. Or at least narrow it down to Korea/Vietnam.</p>
<p>Well idk about WWI, lol
It was the Korean War w/ Truman, I put Vietnam War because of all the Civil Rights stuff going on during the 50’s and 60’s and stuff, I just assumed the Korean War would’ve been waaay too early for it. Oh well</p>
<p>Yes it was the Korean War.
Anyways, the SAT II is a little easier than the AP multiple choice. Also, it has no essays =).
They basically cover the same topics.</p>
<p>I have to agree with red and say that the SAT II ush was much more specific than the apush mc. SAT II actually makes you understand ideas and causes and effects in a sense while the apush was more whether you knew the term and what it was about.</p>