Are all acceptances out?

<p>Online it still says complete and awaiting review. My friends got in with similar stats, so that is why i am so confused. </p>

<p>My friends and I also still have the ‘ready for review’ status. Binghamton is one of my top choices, so I’m pretty upset. :frowning: last year, those who heard later than everyone else, were deferred. I’m hoping that isn’t the case this year… </p>

<p>If you don’t mind me asking, what are your stats?</p>

<p>im in state
act: 28 (superscore 29)
gpa: 4.3 weighted
taken 7 aps, 2 college and at least 10 honors classes
good ecs</p>

<p>im really confused. i haven’t received anything in the mail and all my friends have gotten in with lower stats</p>

<p>My daughter applied EA to SOM and has high stats–3.9 gpa and high 1300s (Math and CR) from a competitive high school and she is still under review. She has s few friends that got in to Harpur and Watson on Friday and Saturday and a few friends that are still under review. I am hoping Bunghamton is going to continue accepting EA applicants on a rolling basis. This is the earliest that Binghamton has notified applicants of the decisions. Last year nobody heard until mid-january so perhaps they are doing the acceptances/deferrals differently this year. Maybe somebody can call admissions tomorrow and let us know.</p>

i have decision made on my portal but cant pay the enrollment fee. Anyone else?

My son says decision made…we can’t pay deposit…oh well, he was accepted to FSU so he really doesn’t care…

@ging23‌ same here, i applied ug management