<p>I am taking AP Biology next year as a senior and was curious if AP Environmental is somewhat similar to Bio. If it is somewhat similar, I am thinking about self-studying and trying to gain credit for it at university. =)</p>
<p>AP Bio is way way harder. Environmental touches on a lot of the stuff in the ecology part of AP Bio, but most of AP Bio is molecular biology. </p>
<p>I’m not saying the subject of molecular biology sucks; I love it. It’s just that a lot of APES is common sense and past knowledge (Pollution=bad!) while AP Bio has some chemistry and a lot of new stuff.</p>
<p>It could just be that my AP Bio teacher was insane.</p>
<p>Yeah I know. I was just thinking since AP Bio basically covers everything in AP Environmental, won’t I be prepared for Env anyways by taking AP Bio in school?</p>
<p>AP Environmental covers more stuff than ecology. You have to know layers of lake/ocean and other earth science stuffs. But like Jennyheart said, Environmental also contains a bunch of common sense.</p>
<p>AP Bio is much harder than AP Environmental</p>