Are applications reviewed on a rolling FIFO basis? When are acceptance letters sent?

<p>Do they really send out all the decision notices on April 1 as stated on the website or do they let people know as they go along?</p>

<p>What about applications to the honors program?</p>


<p>In our experience the decision notices for admittance and for honors did not go out at the same time. They sort of let people know as they go along. I can understand why they do that and it’s great if you get your decision early. But, for those who hear others receiving decisions the relative delay adds to the stress. </p>

<p>@ChrisTKD My daughter (and y whole family) is experiencing the stress of knowing others have been accepted regarding other schools. </p>

<p>VT is not a rolling admissions school. You have an ED notification date and a RD notification date. In some instances, select Honors students did find out decision at other times, but it was not all of them. So, if you were first in…and haven’t heard anything you should not consider it a “bad” sign.</p>

<p>Actually my daughter applied regular decision last year and received her acceptance into the COE on 2/28. There was no warning it was coming…she received an envelope in the mail. So I am guessing some of the individual “colleges” send theirs out at different times. </p>