Are deferred payment plans offered?


A few years ago, I took classes through Herzing and provided documentation that my employer covers Tuition Reimbursement upon passing of the courses. So for the semester, they offered deferred pmt for tuition, and I only had to pay like $100/month ‘good faith’ pmts until the reimbursement was given to me, then I paid Herzing the remaining balance.

Does Bama offer anything at all like that? I see the regular payment plan options which would just split over $5k over months which unfortunately isn’t doable for me. :frowning:

I don’t think so.

Are you instate? How much, per year, does your company reimburse?

Yes still in state. Doing Bama by distance

Employer reimbursement is $5000 per calendar year. I wanted to take advantage of the full $5k for 2019 but unfortunately may not be able to.

My family has convinced me to just do part time for fall (6 hours). Pay out of pocket, get reimbursed from employer and roll it over to the next semester plus whatever extra money I can save to take an extra class for spring (9/10 hours). That should work. Hopefully I’ll qualify for many of the current student school for 2020.