Are full-ride scholarships only for National Merit students?

<p>Oops - that link was not direct to the Homepage - Here is the Homepage <a href=“”>;/a&gt; Use the right side menu to move thru the blogspot. So much info there.</p>

<p>@VAmomof4‌ thanks! I was wondering about Amtrak. I checked their website - from Philly it would be 22 hours (at least) - really long to be sitting in coach. Still, it’s good to know it’s an option.</p>



<p>Train travel is not like air travel. First of all, the seating and legroom is spacious and the seats do recline with leg support. Also, there are leisure cars and dining cars, so a person is not restricted to his seat throughout the trip. </p>

My older son was in CBHP and LOVED it. What do you want to know?</p>

<p>How is it different than the regular honors college program? Is it simply that you are taking this computer based research class as your honors class? </p>

<p>@saismom, CBH is an actual minor. The students learn certain programming skills during their first year (CBH 101/102) and then actually participate in research during the next two years (CBH 201/202/301/302) and make a major presentation each year regarding the research (CBH Live). Those courses are seminars with Dean Sharpe. The research projects are done outside of class and are scattered all over campus. The students can choose research projects in their major or, if desired, not in their major. The projects do have to be approved by CBH. The program is wonderful. They learn very valuable skills including research, presentations, pitches, critical thinking, and more, and there is the added benefit of interacting directly with Dean Sharpe (an incredible leader). Participating in CBH will fulfill most of your UHP requirements except for about 6 hours, IIRC. We are very thankful that our daughter is in the program. </p>

<p>@saismom‌ </p>

<p>lattelady gives good info</p>

<p>CBHP has highly competitive admissions. Only 40 students allowed each year. Hundreds apply (maybe over a thousand now???) There is an interview weekend.</p>

<p>I am curious about the CBHP - does the research work occur during the regular semester so the student can still do a co op or internship during summer?</p>

<p>@lattelady It sounds like a truly advantageous program for the right student. Do they expect the students to come already prepared and experienced in research and programming? Would that be a plus? What are they looking for in a candidate?</p>

<p>@scholarme‌ Research is during the regular semester. Many students do co-ops or internships during the summer. </p>

<p>@saismom‌ They do not expect students to be experienced in research and programming. I am aware of students who did come in with that experience but probably know of more students who did not. I have also heard of students who seemed to think that they already knew a lot about programming/research that didn’t get offered spots in the program perhaps due to their attitude. My daughter says that a lot of CBH is about attitude and it’s important to realize that you don’t know everything and have a willingness to learn. With an average program ACT of 34, you can surmise the students involved are pretty smart (or at least test well!). But it’s more than an ACT score. They are looking for hard-working, inquisitive, team players. There are some amazing students in the program. I really believe some of them will make a significant impact on the world. My daugher is just happy to be there. :)</p>