Are Honors Dorms quieter?

<p>Every school has its share of fire-alarm-pulling-at-3-a.m. episodes.</p>

<p>Just wondering: Are UA Honors Dorms quieter and more conducive to a good night’s sleep? (Not to mention studying, LOL.)</p>

<p>Are any Honors Dorms substance-free? (DS drinks an occasional beer, but he’s not a big partier by any stretch.)</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!!</p>

<p>The honors dorms have been quiet…aside from the prank fire alarms. Since most of the new dorms are Honors and Freshmen dorms there is no alchohol allowed. They go over this with them at the beginning of the semester. There are always some that will have it in the room. I don’t know how they work that for kids over 21, but the underage ones will have to go before a board if they get caught and could possibly lose their scholarship.</p>

<p>Thanks!! :)</p>

<p>The living learning communities are substance free. If she’s a business major have her check out Friedman Hall. It’s for business majors only. </p>

<p>I lived there my freshman year at UA back in 1990 and liked it. They have of course renovated it since then and it’s also now co-ed but limited to business majors only and substance free. Thank God it wasn’t like that in 1990 :slight_smile: Anyway it is by FAR the best location of all the dorms on campus.</p>

<p>The honors dorms are not substance free in that if you are of age, you can have alcohol/tobacco in your possession as long as it’s out of reach of those who are underage ie in one’s room rather than in the shared fridge. Friedman Hall is the only substance free dorm. In case you were wondering, smoking is prohibited inside all UA buildings and UA recommends that people smoke 30 feet away from all doors. </p>

<p>In my experience, the honors dorms are quieter, but it all depends on where your room is located and who’s living in the room above you.</p>

<p>It really just depends on who you happen to be next to. For instance, the girls who live above me have the obnoxious habit of jumping on the floor several times throughout the day for no reason at all, and it gets loud. The walls are pretty thin, so it makes it even worse. So, it’s luck of the draw i guess .</p>

<p>My dorm room certainly isn’t quiet. But I just so happen to live below a guy who I think has multiple guitars and quite possibly a ukulele, and he likes to pick his furniture up and drop it for no reason around 3 AM. But I know other people have rooms that are definitely quieter than mine. It really just depends on how lucky you get.</p>

<p>LOL!!! :slight_smile: You poor kid!</p>

<p>I guess that means DS can bring his keyboard. :D</p>

<p>Just don’t play it after midnight!!1!1!! Seriously though, my walls and desk vibrate whenever he plays. He has an amp; I honestly wish those were banned.</p>

<p>I’ll echo Mesquite by reminding future students to not have dance parties at 1 am on weeknights. In addition, please don’t stand outside the building and shout during those early hours. Some of us actually have class/work during the morning.</p>

<p>If CC had a “like” button, I’d click it for SEA_tide’s post. Also: Sand Volleyball + rap music + 2AM + right outside my window = an angry engineering student.</p>

<p>My daughter lives in an honors dorm and her room very quiet, but a lot of thought was put into which room was picked. Neighbors are luck of the draw, just like roommates that may be loud, but we found the top floor, next to stairs to be the quietest, no one above you and only one neighbor beside you.</p>