Honors Housing?

<p>D got an email yesterday saying she’d been accepted to the Honors college. I poked around the website and see that the more expensive suite type dorms are “available” for Honors students. </p>

<p>I’m guessing that means living in those specific dorms is not a requirement if someone is in Honors. But from what I’m reading it seems like it’s strongly encouraged and they list some advatages in living there.</p>

<p>Does anyone have any experience ips on how critical staying at these specific dorms might be?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance</p>

<p>My D is a current freshman and she lives in an honors dorm. Frankly, the ability to have her own room and all the space in the honors suite was one of the factors that tipped her toward Alabama. She has always had her own room and the prospect of sharing a tiny space with a stranger wasn’t particularly appealing. Maybe if she was planning to rush she would have found Tutwiler to be a good option, but she wasn’t interested in joining a sorority. Most of her friends are kids she met in Outdoor Action, and they all live in the honors dorms (not necessarily hers, but nearby), so that’s convenient. If the honors suites had been a financial stretch, I’m sure my D could have done fine in a traditional dorm and she probably would have chosen Friedman, since she’s a business major. But the honors dorm has locational and comfort advantages for her.</p>

<p>They’re the best dorms I have ever seen. No hyperbole. Probably nicer than their first apartment will be after college. You’re also certain to be surrounded by other highly motivated honors students. If you have the means, it’s a no brainer to me.</p>

<p>Unless money is very tight, I think being in the Honors dorms for at least the first year is very important.</p>

<p>Of course, if your budget can’t swing it, then I’d suggest Burke Hall.</p>

<p>Will echo the other freshman parents. Son has enjoyed his suite and the suites themselves were a factor in his final decision. Having the personal bedroom also ensures a (relatively) quiet space for studying. At least I am hoping he is studying :-)</p>

<p>Also important to note that if you start in honors dorms you have the option of staying in honors dorms. Once you go out of honors dorms you may not ever get back in, at least that is the way it used to be and I have not heard of any changes.</p>