are laptops kosher?

<p>I've always typed my notes during's a lot easier on the fingers, and I type faster than I as a transfer student, I'm wondering if this is a common practice at columbia. I feel kind of silly for asking this question, but it seems like pen and paper are preferred in discussion-based classes like lit hum. any help is greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>yes, they have the requisite cloven hooves.</p>

<p>um. do any CU students with prior experience have info regarding the subject?</p>

<p>I’ve only taken a couple of summer classes so far as I’m a new transfer, but some students did bring laptops, others didn’t. It really all comes down to preference. You shouldn’t switch how you work best based on what other students are doing.</p>

<p>Most Core seminars frown on laptop usage in my experience. It depends on the instructor, though.</p>

<p>Some instructors actually don’t allow laptops in their classroom (although if you had a documented disability that required a laptop, I think professors would have to accommodate you) but most do. Laptops are most common in lecture classes. My Music Hum instructor didn’t allow laptops, but both my Lit Hum and CC professors did.</p>



<p>mazel tov. I was going to make the obligatory joke, but someone beat me to it.</p>

<p>Both my CC and Lit Hum instructors allowed us to use laptops in class. They didn’t mention their policy towards laptops either in class or on their syllabi and they didn’t have any problems with us using laptops during the semester.</p>

<p>My instructors never bothered to mention laptops unless they forbade them or restricted their usage. If you’re unsure, just ask on the first day of class.</p>

<p>Haha. At my school, Lawrence Thomas a philosophy professor ends the entire class if he catches a student texting, reading a newspaper or on a laptop.</p>

<p>Not to mention, he’s a black jew.</p>

<p>[News:</a> If You Text in Class, This Prof Will Leave - Inside Higher Ed](<a href=“]News:”></p>