<p>We only have a lockdown if there is a serious crime reported nearby and the school is contacted by the City Police requesting a lockdown. No drug dogs.</p>
<p>Real lockdowns happen at both middle and high school every year or two, usually when there has been some threat or concern about weapons on campus, or some criminal on the loose in the neighborhood. K9, not generally–the high school’s hallways are lined with lockers, but the school doesn’t allow kids to use them. They even denied my request to let my daughter use a locker to stow a heavy book when she was seeing a doctor for back pain.</p>
<p>Never have lockdowns but the occasional drug search maybe once a year</p>
<p>Our elementary, middle and high schools all have lockdown drills. To my knowledge, there haven’t been K9 drug searches. They have had actual lockdowns at all those schools. </p>
<p>They also have evacuation drills once a year because we are within the evacuation zone of a nuclear reactor</p>