Are my EC's too weak?

1 Jv/ 2 V years of baseball and captain in my summer league
Three years of Varsity Wrestling (Placed 4th) (Going to be captain this year)
Three years of JV Soccer
Volunteering and work:
Volunteering with autistic children during 9th, 10th grade summers
NHS- Chaired my school’s blood drive
(Going to be doing an internship with a chiropractor)
Vocal Ensemble and whistling
Taking my 102 yr old grandmother out to dinner for 5 hours every weekend
Working out four days a week for 2 hours
Boys State County Legislator and City Councilman

I am in a rural area with minimal opportunities for national awards//opportunities

Your EC’s won’t eliminate you from consideration anywhere.

I think your ECs are great! I sense an application essay somewhere within the 5 hours a week spent with your 102 year old grandmother. To me, that is the most unique and interesting part of the profile you’ve shared. It makes me wonder what you’ve learned from her and how your time with her has influenced you. Anyone can play a sport or be on a team but time with someone who has been on this Earth for 100 years - wow! That has to have shaped you.

It has! Thank you! Everyone says that it’s not worthy of being an EC but I’ve spent 5 hours a week for my whole life with my grandmother. Who worked for the UN and lived through the London Bombings in WW2

Being with your grandmother is worthy especially since it sounds to me so meaningful to you.