Are my extra-curriculars enough?

Hello- so right now i’m a freshman in high school and my GPA is about 3.5 (however it is going to go up i’ve just had a rough year getting accustomed). I was wondering if my extra curriculars are ones that will be ‘liked’ by colleges, and are a good way of starting my first summer in high school.

So I am spending my summer volunteering at a hospital, and learning Arabic and Spanish, Spanish because i’m taking it as a second language next year and i want to be ahead. I am also apart of a Teen Art Council at a local museum and I am currently trying to get a Mock Government set up for my state. I am most likely also volunteering at a non-profit art program set up in my city for inner city kids. Also I am running for Student Government or Class Co President- which connect to my mock government interest. I am also very involved in Model UN.

So over all my extra curriculars are basically: languages, volunteering, art, government, journalism (will be more evident in sophomore year), and MUN.

Does that sound like enough?

Thank you

They’re fine but nothing that will stand out if you are applying to a science major (aka most of this board). Look into research opportunities and try to get into ISEF/Google finals next year if you want an outstanding science e.c. (research is probably the easiest ‘impressive’ e.c. you can get as a rising sophmore).