Are my grade 9 grades going to break the deal for Yale?

<p>My grade 9 grades were: (average)
92% 1st semester
93% 2nd Semester</p>

<p>My rest are extremely high. There is a very good reason for this poor performance, discussed primarily in my essay. (Not a sob story, I mentioned how everything became very well after, and I learned many skills like leadership, initiative, etc as result) Will the admissions people over at Yale understand and they won't reject me for it?</p>

<p>By the way, dont tell me about extracurriculars! I know! I have many with awards next to th, and I have high sat scores.</p>


<p>it’s doubtful you get in with that poor of a performance freshmen year</p>

<p>92% and 93% are not “poor” first of all. But considering it’s Yale, it depends. If you improved to over a 95 average you should have a chance with good SAT Scores.</p>

<p>Though ivies are the definition of a coin-flip. Nothing is guaranteed.</p>

<p>I’m puzzled by your post. By 92% you mean 92 out of a hundred? Or something else? If out of a hundred isn’t that an A or an A-? If so I don’t understand the reason for your angst.</p>

<p>My average has been in the 97 range for the past 3 years, so I’m guessing that’s good?</p>

<p>EDIT: I’ve been reading people saying they have a 96 average all of their years, so I was kind of concerned.</p>

<p>By the way, I really have alot of faith in my essay. I think its going to play a role in my acceptance/deferral/rejection.</p>

<p>Maybe take your questions to the Yale forum too?</p>