Are rescores for individual exams possible?

Hello! So I recently got my results for my IB exams. Thankfully I passed (yay!) with 32 points, but I got a 4 in SL math. I was totally fine with this, until I saw that I was only TWO marks away from a 5. At my university, a 4 and a 5 makes the difference for receiving a really important college credit and not. Should I seek out a rescore? And is it even possible for an individual exam? What would be the protocol? Has anyone tried to before?

Thank you!

This is something you should talk to your IB coordinator about.
Which university offers credit for SL math?

You can pay for a rescore (you might get two extra points… has happened to kids at my school before) or you can retake the test I think up to a year after you’ve finished it! I’d definitely try rescoring though!