Are Sellery and Witte actually bad?

<p>Let me start off by saying I plan on living in Sellery next year but i've been hearing all this talk about how both sellery and witte are in severe need of renovation and that they're disgusting, nicknamed "****ty" witte, and all that fantastic stuff. Again unless I found out the buildings are actually unsafe to live in ill live in one of the two but Is there any truth to these rumors and what should I know?
Thanks in advance</p>

<p>Sellery is by no means a palace. But it is suitable for an human being to live for a year or so. My S is living in there now.</p>

<p>Sellery and Witte aren’t fancy, but they’re completely fine. They’re pretty much your bare-bones dorm room, think cinderblock walls and all that. But they are perfectly livable, I never found them disgusting. They’re also perfectly safe, lol. There are several nicer/newer dorms on campus but I think that Sellery and Witte are two of the best for freshmen.</p>

<p>That name for Witte was used when it was new too. Just a fun rhyme with no real meaning. Location is really good for access to east campus and downtown.</p>

<p>Location is awesome for Sellery, third best when compared to Chadbourne (more expensive), and Liz Waters (really hard to get into as a freshman) but Witte is only about a block further. Both are close to State St. </p>

<p>The buildings aren’t run down, but they are pretty old. The only thing that really needs to be renovated maybe are the elevators which go down sometimes.</p>

<p>Witte got the name “*<strong><em>ty Witte” because there has literally been *</em></strong> in the hallways on multiple occasions this year alone.</p>

<p>^Lol, you think you’re the first to come up with “****ty Witte?” It’s been called that probably since it was built, lol.</p>

<p>I was just giving one current explanation of the nickname.</p>