Are Singaporeans exempted from TOEFL or SAT?

<p>I am currently studying in an university in Taiwan in Foreign Language and Literature. Am planning to further my studies in the States, probably Comparitive Literature or Oral Interpretation and Translation.</p>

<p>I am going to take my TOEFL in Taiwan to be exempted from some modules, but am quite confused with the required language examinations/certification needed to apply to universities in the U.S.</p>

<p>Please advise. Thank you.</p>

<p>Why are you asking about Singaporeans though? The Singapore local students here are taught wholly in English, right from nursery.</p>

<p>Anyway… I think you should do TOEFL with the SATs.</p>

<p>Singaporeans with A Levels mostly are exempted, I believe. It depends on the school - U of Wisconsin-Madison, for instance, requires TOEFL for all international applicants, even those whose main medium of instruction has been English.</p>

<p>I don’t know how much the actual grade affects things, whether you have to take TOEFL if you flunked GP terribly, or whatever, and I don’t know about poly grads either. But for most schools, you don’t have to take the TOEFL. Is your current language of instruction English or partly English?</p>

<p>I don’t see how taking the TOEFL would exempt you from any modules, however. It’s too basic to get you an exemption even at the undergrad level, I think.</p>

<p>To veshch : I am a Singaporean, studying in Taiwan university now. I have been taught wholly in english since nursery. It’s just that I’m getting a degree in Taiwan now.</p>

<p>To phantompong: Currently, my language of instruction is English. Our examination papers are all in English, and I am considered a native speaker in Taiwan. That’s the reason I am seeking for advices. Totally confused.</p>

<p>Singaporean too.
Trying to apply to US universities as well. But they are not convinced even I told them my first language and the language of instruction are English. </p>

<p>So I think you might as well take up TOEFL to save up the trouble. ((:</p>

<p>Each college and university makes up its own rules about TOEFL/IELTS/Other English exams. You do indeed have to verify with each and every single one of them what you would have to do. Are you looking to transfer from one undergraduate program to another (you may or may not need the ACT/SAT) or are you looking at post-graduate studies (you may or may not need the GRE)?</p>

<p>Have you paid a visit to the closest office of [International</a> Students - EducationUSA](<a href=“]International”> ?
Their counselors are trained to help you through this process.</p>