Are some colleges better?

Does it matter where I go to college for either a CS or software engineering degree? I think I am on track to get into Harvey Mudd College although it would most likely cost me 60k a year to attend where as Washington State would cost 30kish and I believe I would be much happier living there. Is there evidence that later in life there will be a big difference in income?

For CS good grades, access to internships, and your first job is more important than the school you attend, especially if you have to go into significant debt. Are you a Washington resident? If so, why not UW?

I like Washington as a state and it is most affordable

I like Washington as a state and it is most affordable

I am not a resident, from CA

“from CA”

At the risk of saying the obvious, you have quite an amazing range of in-state public universities for CS. If you have the stats for Harvey Mudd, then you should have the stats for one of the UC’s.

@ACHN21: I agree with @DadTwoGirls that if you are a competitive applicant for Harvey Mudd, then you should be competitive for the top UC’s like UCLA, UCB, UCSD, UCI etc…

Why go to Washington State University where OOS costs are $39097 for this year when you could go to the UC’s for several thousand less??

Are you sure you are considering the right school? Washington State University is what you posted but perhaps you are thinking of the University of Washington-Seattle which has a top notch CS department?

Looks like the OP is expecting an $11k scholarship at WSU:

If you are considering Harvey Mudd and are looking for schools in Washington State, why not U of Washington in Seattle, which is ranked as one of the best CS programs? The “bigger name” programs will tend to have better industry connections and on campus recruiting. However, once you are working, your technical skills and what you bring to the table (not school) are what will matter.