Are There Any Parks At Brown? I Want to Run!

<p>I love the whole idea of Brown, but what relaly turned me off when I visited was that it didn’t seem like there were any parks or cemeteries or places to escape. Are there some hidden aboot?</p>

<p>Cemeteries at a university?</p>

<p>Lots of colleges have them for people who were important to the college, presidents, etc. Kind of cool.</p>

<p>there are lots of places like that on campus...many of the department buildings have their own gardens or courtyards</p>

<p>the math department garden is particularly secluded and is a nice place to sit and pensively think</p>

<p>prospect terrace has a beautiful view of the whole city and rarely has many people</p>

<p>sharpe park is a tiny green space with benches near the peter green house, completely enclosed by shrubs</p>

<p>the risd admissions building near rochambeau house has a bunch of trails that lead up and down the hill, into tree-enclosed clearings </p>

<p>others that tend to be more populated are the keeney courtyard, hegeman courtyard, patriot's court, etc.</p>

<p>off campus there are places like roger williams park, lincoln woods, the beaches, etc.</p>

<p>Are roger williams park and lincoln woods substantial parks? Courtyards and gardens arren't really suited to running.</p>

<p>Well isn't there a fitness center with an indoor track?</p>

<p>The park-like setting where many people from the Brown community run is along Blackstone Blvd., which is a few blocks north of the campus. It is precisely a 5K loop, which people extend by running along some of the adjoining streets and/or the nearby waterfront. The street has beautiful homes on both sides, and a tree lined median strip that is paved with walkers and runners in mind.</p>

<p>If you're interested in cemeteries as places to escape, there are two near Brown of special interest. Swan Point is off Blackstone Blvd., and is an exceptionally pretty park-like place with many ornate monuments and tombstones (both old and new); people often go there to stroll or ride bikes. The Old North Burial Ground, off North Main Street a couple of miles or so north of campus, is the oldest cemetery in RI. It's not so scenic, but it's fascinating historically.</p>

<p>Nice. Are there trees and such at Swan Point?</p>

<p>Alright never mind, I just looked it up online. Yes, Swan Point looks to be beautiful. Is Blackstone Park nice too (being closer to the University)?</p>

<p>I'm not sure if by Blackstone Park you're referring to the grassy area that runs down the center of Blackstone Blvd. If so, it's very pretty. There also are several smaller parks around that are quite nice for sitting and reading, as well as the occasional festival (e.g., India Point, Elton St.). In response to your earlier question, Roger Williams Park and Lincoln Woods are both large areas where running competitions and such are held. Roger Williams Park is especially nice, with one of the best zoos in the country, a small Natural History museum, and several other buildings of historical interest.</p>