Are there any theme houses on the top two floors of Tioga or Tenaya at Muir..

<p>I would appreciate hearing about any theme houses located on the top floors of Tioga or Tenaya at Muir College. Are there any maps that show theme houses by floor location in these two residential halls. Any Muir College residents able to help, THANKS IN ADVANCE.</p>

<p>Help, pleaseā€¦</p>

<p>wellness house (b-house) is the third and fourth floors of tenaya, cultural house (f-house) is the third and fourth floors of tioga, and wilderness house (g-house) is the fifth and sixth floors of tioga.</p>

<p>so since tenaya is 8 floors and tioga is 10 (well, 11), none of the themed houses are on the top floors.</p>