Are there not enough dorms?

I talked to the university housing department today and they told me I am on the wait list for a housing contract. I was under the impression that all first years (and first year transfers) had the opportunity to live in dorms. So are all of the dorms currently occupied and what are the chances of me getting off of this waiting list. It is essential to me that I live in dorms. I would preferably live in Ogg but anything that I can get I would gladly take.

I am a transfer and will be entering my sophomore year in the fall of 2015. If anyone has experience with this or has any tips for helping me get into the dorms please let me know.

There are more students wanting Res Halls than spaces available. All you can do is hope that enough students with Res Halls contracts get out of them to get a space. Res Halls has added dorm space in recent years and is popular even though students are not required to live there. No gimmicks/pleas et al will help.

Consider private dorms or housing. Lots of choices.

For private dorms, if a space doesn’t open up on campus, Towers and Statesider are right in the middle of things and very popular options, plenty of students around you.

Also Lucky and a few others.