Are these Junior year ap/honors classes "good enough" for middle tier UCs?

<p>For my junior year, ap and honors classes I am planning to take are
AP us history, Physics honors, and Chinese 4 honors.</p>

<p>Would middle tier UCs “not care” much about these classes or look down on them?</p>

<p>= )</p>

<p>uh.. whats that supposed to mean?</p>

<p>I'm just curious as to what makes you think middle tier UC's would look down on your course selections?</p>

<p>If they are listed as getting the extra gpa point on the UC website, then they consider those classes academically rigorous. You can look up your particular HS courses at UC Pathways, I think. My advice, take whatever you are interested in and challenge yourself. The admissions process can be so random that trying to strategize probably will not be productive. Just be who you are... I think that shows in the end and will help you find the right fit. Good luck.</p>

<p>"I'm just curious as to what makes you think middle tier UC's would look down on your course selections?"</p>

<p>I meant if UCs would think those classes aren't rigorous enough for junior year, like in comparison to people taking AP Bio or AP Chem and more "harder" AP and honors classes.</p>

<p>An AP is an AP and it does not matter if it is the sciences or something else. It shows you are willing to go the extra mile and challenge yourself. Let me tell you, AP US history is a very challenging course and so is Phy Honors. If you feel you need to show UC's your rigor--then why dont you take a community college course this summer--you will get an xtra GPA boost and will get xtra points during comprehensive review.</p>