<p>I want to write three essays (one for the "personal essay" on the common app, two for the additional information). For my main essay, I'm planning to write something a little non-conventional and artsy explaining the effect that flying has had on me (although not so out there to the point that it would repel colleges--since I'm applying to several LAC's, I think this is the sort of thing they would like). Is it okay if I split the "extra information" part into two essays? For the extra info, I want write something a little more straightforward about the impact my "career" as a student journalist has had on my life. This is an "additional qualification" as the common app suggests. My work on the newspaper has been my most significant extracurricular (too important to summarize in the 150 word mini essay). I have met a lot of fascinating people and I've grown a lot through the experience. But I also believe that I should write a brief essay on my learning disability. I don't intend on writing the cliched rise over obstacles sort of piece, instead, I think I might take a more humorous/candid route with a focus on the importance of individuality. Since I'm applying for merit aid, it's important that I mention this so that my poor math grades don't affect my chances at scholarships. Would this be too much reading for colleges, even if I make the latter two shorter essays? If you think I should only write two essays, which one should I get rid of?</p>
<p>I’ve been told that the Additional information section is not for additional essays, only for unusual circumstances like illnesses, or other things. But you could always try it, keep in mind the adcom who will read some 100 essays a day, then you contribute three, unless they are riveting, more likely than not he/she will just get irritated, skim all three instead of even reading a complete one and then make a judgment call.</p>
<p>Should I just elaborate about my experience on the newspaper on my resume (which I’ll mail), and save the additional information for other things?</p>
<p>I think it would be fine</p>