Are you a ten???

<p>academics: 9.9; just going by the numbers
looks: 7; 8 on a good day
friends: 7-8; big circle of fairly close friends
dating: 7-8; been in a few serious relationships
material objects: 8-9; family is wealthy but not into status symbols</p>

<p>academics: 10
looks: 8
friends: 8
dating: 7
material objects: 10</p>

<p>Everyone rates themselves so highly for looks.</p>

<p>Academics: 8 (sal, 95 gpa, ec’s, etc)
Looks: 6-7 (decently handsome)
Friends: 7 (close circle and branched out)
Dating: 3 (never wanted to, to be honest)
Material Objects: 6 (I have enough)</p>

<p>academics: 10</p>

<p>looks: 7</p>

<p>friends: 10</p>

<p>dating: 6</p>

<p>material objects: 5</p>

<p>Academics: 7- Sort of smart I suppose, but I’m too much of a slacker these days.
Looks: 4 - Just okay appearance, I mean I’m not a horror to look at but by no means attractive. I gave myself points for slimness
Friends: 3 - Very selective when it comes to friends. Only keep 4 close max. I hate having loads of friends anyways. Though I’m not anti-social I have plenty of acquaintances and such I just don’t deem them ‘friends’
Dating: 4 - Talk to plenty of guys but don’t really want a relationship with them.
Material objects:7 - Upper-middle class</p>

<p>Looks = 10</p>


<p>Oh, I have new ones:</p>

<li>Pride (1 = you hate yourself, 10 = extremely arrogant)</li>
<li>Life (1 = kill me now, 10 = best life I could imagine)</li>

<p>For me:</p>

<p>Pride: 7
Life: 8</p>

<p>Pride: varies. maybe a 6? I’m proud of my accomplishments and academics, but I’m really self-conscious about my appearance, boys, etc.
Life: 7. I’m content.</p>


<p>Pride: 8

<p>academics: 10 - sry, even for cc
looks: i’m told a 9, doubtful though
friends: 6
dating: 10
material objects: 4 - not much, but hey i’m not a material objects guy anyway</p>

<p>Pride - 7, I try not to be arrogant
Life - 11, srsly, I could not be happier, especially the way this year’s gone</p>

<p>Academics - 8. They’re not perfect, but pretty damn good. 4.5 weighted
Looks - 6.5. Once again, by no means perfect. I’m too lazy to get myself into great shape, but I’m not really self conscious about myself. It hasn’t really hindered me from getting girls, I don’t think.
Friends - 6.5. I have a few good friends. A pretty big group of other friends, but I’m not as close to them as I’d like.
Dating - 5. Had one girlfriend worth mentioning. Been liked quite a few times, but didn’t really like them. I kinda have a thing for attracting really weird/unattractive girls.
Material Objects- 7. We’re fairly well to do. I can’t complain. I’m better off than most kids at my school, but there are a few that have more. I’m perfectly content with what I have though.
Pride - I would say 7. I try to be really modest and take everything in stride, but I know I’m money. I’m secretly very egotistical.
Life - 10. I was actually just talking about this to my parents the other day. I’ve been very fortunate and led and extremely blessed life. I’ve seen much more of the world than almost everyone at my age, and more than many people see in an entire life. I’ve been very fortunate to have people place the trust in me that they have, and from that I’ve gotten quite a few great opportunities. I feel so lucky to have all that I have going for me, and I can’t wait to see how I do in life. But at the same time, if I were to become terminally ill, I would be content that I have lived a full life. I’ve just been so blessed, and I’m thankful for the life I’ve had and hopefully will continue to live</p>

<p>Shawty you a teeeen.</p>


Trust me, Pokemon loser =/= low dating scores. srsly though.</p>

<p>anyway though. lol. these are so pointless. I love it.</p>

<p>Academics - 10 - I turned down Harvard. really.
Looks - 8
Friends - 7
Dating - 9
Material Objects - 7~ mostly because I don’t care to have a ton of material stuff… I have a car, laptop, cell phone, a ton of clothes, and I could afford a lot more but it doesn’t appeal to me.</p>

<p>Pride - 10 I am incredibly conceited.
Life - 9 at least.</p>

<p>Academics: eh like a 7-8ish I’m not super smart but I have to study a lot
Looks: though I’ve been told I’m attractive I truly believe I’m a 5-6
Dating: well it’s complicated at this moment but I’ll say 6
Material: 5 I’ll splurge if absolutely necessary but for now I’m still shopping in clearance
Pride: 3 I have bad self esteem
Life: 5</p>

<p>academics: ~10… just a bit short
looks: 7… maybe my boobs will bump this up to an 8
friends: 5… hopefully better in college
dating: 8… have had anything from random hookup to 1.5 year relationship
material objects: 5/8… 5 is for the family (no big house or luxury cars), but my parents spoil me so I get the 8 =]</p>

<p>so cc has pretty much turned into a dating site today</p>

<p>academics: erm the **** am i to know. I jut finished senior year and have no idea what my GPA is, prolly garbage though. I got a 34 on the ACT after a good night of drinking so that sorta negates the whole GPA deal. </p>

<p>looks: i have leprosy and am morbidly obese but RFK68 says I’m a 10 so thats that.</p>

<p>Friends: 9, I know my fair share of chillers</p>

<p>Dating: 5, I am too apathetic </p>

<p>Material Objects: 5 My money is allocated for cigs, ganja, food, and gas</p>

<p>Academics: i
Looks: i
Friends: i
Dating: i
Material Objects: i</p>

<p>Conclusively, my life is imaginary =)</p>


LMAO. </p>



<p>Oh and:</p>

<p>Pride: bipolar, usually either a 2 or a 10. Or another way to look at is, in some aspects I have really low self-esteem, some areas I’m incredibly conceited.
Life: Meh, about a 4-6?</p>
