<p>Academics: 7-8, I’m about as lazy as they come and I don’t care about my grades so I have about a 3.68 GPA wise, I could easily do better if I cared (I don’t bother with Bonus when it’s offered, and I lay around bored instead of studying for tests)</p>
<p>Looks: 6, I’m about average, I have interesting looking eyes and my hair does nice things if I do something with it (I never do) but I don’t take care of my skin so it’s marked by small scars (Using far too abrasive anti-septics on cuts and picking scabs) although it’s naturally not bad. I also don’t go out in the sun much or eat enough so I have a bit of an undead look (Hence the username).</p>
<p>Friends: 3, I am considered a good acquaintance by practically everyone and most people would consider me their “Friend” but I am very rarely social, spend most of my time alone, and do not consider many people to be my friend.</p>
<p>Dating: 0, my love life is, and always has been, non-existent.</p>
<p>Material Objects: 5, I’ve got some neat things but they were all gifts spread out over several years that I’ve taken very good care of to make them last. My family isn’t particularly wealthy.</p>
<p>Pride: 8, I am extremely conceited about what I believe I know and do, if I don’t care about something though I will show no pride in my ability in it whatsoever (I cannot drive and don’t really care, but don’t dare call into question my ability to code).</p>
<p>Life: 7, It’s not very balanced but it’s better than the alternative.</p>
<p>academics: 8
looks: 10
friends: 9 (I have THREE best friends. they’re bomb.)
dating: 9 (1 year and almost 3 months)
material: 8 (only child…enough said there)</p>
<p>Academics: 9
Looks: I dunno. A random guys always try to get my number, but people I actually know never do that. Last weekend some random guy in Chicago said I was perfect & beautiful though, so let’s go with 7 (so not true). But I think Megan Fox looks incredibly slutty, though she’s pretty in Transformers, and I always thought Pitt was not cute.
Friends: 7. Don’t have many, but I’m v. happy.
Dating: 7
Material Objects: 9</p>
<p>academics: 7; the majority of my grades are A’s, the rest B’s and i’m taking the max honors/ap for every year
looks: 5; about average, nothing particularly striking or terribly ugly
friends: 4; few close friends, most people i talk to are acquitances
dating: 3; im pretty awkward when it comes to relationships…
material objects: 5; im neither poor, nor rich, just average</p>
<p>academics: 10, probably an 8 on cc
looks: don’t wanna be cocky, prob 6-9 depending on how i feel
friends: 7-9 people love me, i get annoyed by a lot of my friends
dating: 5 don’t have a boyfriend, have only had 1 serious boyfriend in the past
wealth: 3 not rich</p>
<p>academics: 10 based on numbers, harvard didn’t care though.
looks: 7-8, depends on what i’m wearing, whether or not my hair is straightened
friends: 6, bunch of close friends but i think i’m distancing myself from too many people
dating: 8, in a relationship
material objects: 8
pride: 5-6
life: 7… depends. better at school then home</p>
<p>Academics: 7 or 8, because I’m lazy. Intellectually I’m probably a 10. Yes, it’s my best trait, so I AM going to brag about it.</p>
<p>Looks: 4 or 5. I don’t really care about the way I look, and I don’t really care how other people look, either. I also have a thyroid problem, so I’m overweight.</p>
<p>Friends: 3. I don’t “need” a lot of friends and I don’t add people on facebook because I barely know them. I prefer a few closer friends, a wider social circle, and not much interaction with anyone else. I’m an INTJ. Deal with it.</p>
<p>Dating: I don’t date, although I occasionally happen across love interests.</p>
<p>Material Objects: 3. I come from a low income home (<$22500 now that mom had to take a 10% pay cut), but I only buy myself decent clothes. I also bought myself a laptop and a really nice camera/printer.</p>
<p>Yup, all around, I have a pretty low score. However,</p>
<p>Quality of life: 8. Great friends, a chance at a full ride or near full ride at a great school, an awesome family (yes, I am a teen with almost no gripes about my mother), a good school, a job I don’t hate, etc. It would be a 10 if this application season was over with. I’m tired of waiting anxiously and I still have a year to go before it’s over.</p>
<p>pride: 9 I’m extremely confident but never to the point that I don’t back it up
life: 7 I’m somewhat prone to melancholy and misanthropy no matter what happens
academics: 10 this is just true
looks: 8 I have a six pack and a handsome face
friends: 8 I have a lot of friends despite not even putting in much effort
dating: 7 because even though I’ve never dated a ton, my current gf is really hot
material objects: 10 my dad has a lamborghini, aston martin, etc. and i’m wearing a watch worth 20k right now</p>
<p>Academics = 7
I would rank myself 8 or 9 if I didn’t have such a bad start to high school.</p>
<p>Looks = 7</p>
<p>Friends = 10
By the way, I don’t have 700 friends and nowhere close. If you think you have 700 REALLY GOOD friends, then I think you are an idiot. 10 friends are good enough. =)</p>
<p>Dating = 3-4?
I see no purpose in wasting money on or going though drama with someone in highschool. Most likely you will not be together in 10 years.</p>
<p>Material objects: 3-4
I never buy anything. Only things that I really want/need.</p>
<p>Pride: 6 – I wouldn’t call myself arrogant per se (pending definition), though I’m very self-confident and embrace a number of life-affirming philosophies and habits (and so am certainly as far as can be from the other end of the spectrum)
Life: Really no clue how to quantify this, despite my managing to arbitrarily do so with the other qualities. There are certainly a number of things I’d rather have differently (ie, I’d love to be traveling right now), but I’m nevertheless extremely satisfied and happy with current affairs. So maybe a 7?ish.</p>
<p>Also, I don’t entirely understand everyone’s ratings on looks – especially for the (nonexistent! ;]) female members of this forum. Beatrice Arthur was gorgeous in her younger years, and she still looked incredibly nice for her age (86) as she neared her death (in fact, I think I’d prefer a younger her, almost, to Fox, or whoever the person given as a 10 was). I’d be hard put to give anyone here a 2, or even a 1, in that category.</p>