On a scale of 1-10... How's school been going for you so far?

<p>As the title reads - rate your school year so far (we're about 1/4 of the way in) on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being horrendous/intolerable, 10 being that your school days basically mirror that of High School Musical, lol :)</p>

<p>Also put what grade you're in!</p>

<p>So far, it’s been about a 9.5! Winning Homecoming King really made this year memorable. This year probably won’t be as good as my junior year last year, but I think it’s still going to be great!</p>

<p>Eh, 6ish-7…if it wasn<code>t for math and science, 10 for sure. The classes aren</code>t bad, but the kids are really rowdy, annoying, not…eh, everything that they should be.</p>

<p>10th grade.</p>

<p>@FutureDoctor31 - Congratulations on winning Homecoming King! :slight_smile: LOL, my school doesn’t have a homecoming, I wish we did though.</p>

<li>We got new counselors and they do absolute nothing and the office lost my recommendation letters…Also a lot of Freshman and the Sophomores are really immature and annoying. </li>

<p>11th grade</p>

<p>@FantasyVesperia - There’s absolutely no way to retrieve them? Like, lost how? I hope they find them. :(</p>

<p>6 tencharact</p>

<p>@Preamble My math teacher I’ve been trying to find them since LAST YEAR. Eventually, I told her to write me another one. The office at my school is very unorganized, it’s scary.</p>

<p>@Fantasy - Our school used to be super disorganized, but now they’re trying to put everything online to make it more efficient or whatever, but there are still major screw ups going on - the Guidance Department messed up a bunch of kids’ schedules and now they might not graduate because they don’t have enough or the right type of credits…</p>

<p>Oh, I didn’t give my own rating - 8/10, Junior Year. :)</p>

<p>7/10 Junior Year. It’s been interesting. I mean, classes have been tougher since it is my first year in the IB, especially my IB History class. I was worried about my history grade for a while because I got a 66 on the second test (don’t ask, it was…rough). But I managed to pull an A- for the quarter. We got report cards today, and I was happy, straight A’s, yay. My social life is as dull as always. Not really much excitement, save for the few outings with friends. I’m making brownies, strawberry shortcake, and red velvet cake all from scratch with a friend tomorrow. The freshmen at our school are really annoying, and what is even worse is that the juniors have to have lunch with them for the rest of our high school careers. But, all in all, junior year is not horrible so far. Not bad, actually.</p>

<p>Probably a 9/10 because amazing marching band season and good grades together = happy me :)</p>

<li>Life is Good!</li>

<p>1, I have no chemistry courses</p>

<p>Lol fine, 3-4 maybe. I’m doing well grade-wise and sent my EA college apps in, guess that counts for something…</p>

<p>Hmm… probably a 6. My grades aren’t that bad right now, even though I went through somewhat of a sophomore slump in the first quarter. For the past couple weeks, though, I’ve been trying to pick up my act and to actually care about my classes, especially English and history. Actually, the only classes I genuinely love this year are math and chemistry. and it feels strange not having two math classes this year, like I did last year (although I’m probably one of the few who would complain about taking (only) one math class).</p>

<p>my year is going meh so far. So probably at a 6/7. So all my classes = nice people except for history where I’m stuck with a bunch of idiots who wear too much perfume. I’m failing Calc, so I’ll probably have to take it outside of school. However, I’m a semifinalist for Siemens so that’s good. Also I may be allowed to do track this year! PS. I’m a junior.</p>

I really can’t complain.</p>

<p>I’d give it a 4 at best. Still waiting for the time when senior year is supposed to be relaxed and fun. Now, it’s an academic hell.</p>

<p>Id say around 5. At least I didn’t the worst teachers like last year. The workload is crazy in my school</p>

<p>i would say 5 because im really dissapointed with my grades…other than that i hve made some really nice friends</p>